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Sergei Filippov. Kinojazyk i istorija. Kratkaja istorija kinematografa i kinoiskusstva (Film Language & History: A Concise History of Motion Pictures and Film Art).
Moscow: "Alma Anima", 2006, 208 pp.

© "Krugosvet", 2003-2005
© Sergei Filippov, 2006

Sergei Filippov's book surveys the history of cinema from the end of the XIXth to the beginning of the XXIth century; from Edison and the Lumiere brothers to Lars von Trier and music videos. The study concentrates on the inner evolution of cinema as a medium and an art system rather than on such outer processes as social and ideological influence on film as well as social and ideological contents of films. The main theoretical point is the idea of systematic distinction of the communicative structures of film (Сfilm languageТ) and its artistic properties (Сfilm artТ) and, then, narrative and non-narrative elements of both. The author describes the beginning of film history (1895-1915) as a period of the formulation of basic narrative structures of film language, the end of the silent cinema (1916-1928) as a period of the formulation of its non-narrative structures, etc. However, the book is not just a scolarly investigation; its primary purpose is to provide a textbook on the history of the cinema. The book includes a glossary of terms distinguishing between technological and aesthetical aspects, as well as in-depth indexes.

ISBN 5-9900852-1-4 (978-5-9900852-1-3)

Russian version
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